Source: image top: Global Footprint Network, image middle: Stockholm Resilience Centre, image bottom: Circle economy
Effects of a circular economy in 2040
55% reduction in the production of virgin plastics
80% reduction of plastics entering ocean
25% reduction of GHG emissions
Effects of a circular economy in 2060
25% lower resource use
90% reduction in GHG emission compared to no action
Realise positive ecological impact
Contribute to achieving a sustainable environment
Contribute to achieving the UN SDGs
Promote the circular economy transition
Realise a financial return for our participants
Recycled and up-cycled residue streams
Substitution of abiotic resources
Avoidance of CO₂ emissions
Mobilised commercial capital
Direct impact realised by the project and attributable to PCDF, based on the relative loan size compared to the borrower’s balance sheet
Indirect impact realised by the borrower or other entities using the borrower’s technology over the fund lifetime
Long-term impact realised by the business model or technology impacting the industry or value chain beyond the loan lifetime
> 25 Mton
of waste recycled or upcycled
> 3x
total domestic waste production in NL
> 25 Mton
of abiotic resources substituted
tanker trucks of crude oil
> 50 Mton
of CO₂ emissions avoided
2,7 mln
Dutch households CO₂ emissions
€10 billion
of commercial capital mobilised
total VC capital invested in NL annually